So Greysen has surpassed the 3 week mark. I can hardly believe that he will officially be one MONTH old next week. Crazy!! He and I have finally settled into a rhythm that is working out quite nicely. My milk has finally begun to let down and after a great consultation with an IBCLC, we have zeroed in on a nursing position that is comfortable for me and has been MUCH more successful for him to latch. I think within the next 2 weeks we will be able to ditch the formula completely and he will be satisfied with only pumped milk or directly nursing. Yay!! That has been such a tedious, frustrating, and time consuming process, but I'm so proud of Greysen and of myself for persevering through it. In the long term, we will both be happier for having overcome this roadblock! The only "pitfall" of us finally figuring it out is that today Greysen has decided the only thing he wants to do is nurse. I say pitfall, but honestly it really makes me happy. It's such a great feeling to know I can produce what he really wants and knowing he's happy and satisfied has made all of this hard work worth it...
Today I decided that I wanted to brag on my sweet husband a little. Most of you know that Jonathan is a medical student. He is working through his clerkship right now which basically means he's working at the hospital or a clinic as part of his training while also studying for his shelf exams and his board certification exams. Those things keep him VERY busy. We've been SO blessed that his timeline in his current Internal Medicine rotation has afforded him the opportunity to be home with me and Greysen quite a bit. I seriously don't know what I would do without him...
I worried during pregnancy, like probably all women do, that bringing a baby home would totally stress him out. His job right now requires long hours from him, and I fretted that a baby who was up every 2 hours would just kick his butt. I didn't want that! But let me tell you, there was a miraculous change that happened in my husband the literal second that our beautiful son was born!
The second that they put Greysen up on my chest, he became a Daddy...just like I became a Mommy! I don't think Daddy's get quite enough credit for this in the mainstream media. Dads are made out to seem incompetent (look through the baby clothes at any store and you'll find onesies that dog on the ability of dads to care for little ones). I thought that I would have to walk Jonathan through every little detail of caring for an infant (as if I had any real knowledge myself!). But I was SO totally wrong about that!
He never once was uncomfortable holding Greysen. The first night in the hospital, while he was bedded down across the room on the pull out couch, he was constantly sitting up in bed and checking on me and the baby...worrying about us and making sure we were both ok. Ever since Greysen has been here, he has been nothing but supportive. He wakes up at night to change diapers and feed and snuggle Greysen without hesitation if I need him to. Every evening around 9:30 we begin Greysen's bedtime routine. That includes a bath by Mommy and a lavender lotion leg massage by Daddy. Then I nurse him while Jonathan tackles the task of washing and disinfecting bottles. He makes me a glass of Mother's Milk tea every night and preps all the bottles we will need for overnight so that I don't have to leave our bed to feed Greysen at 3:00 AM. He has taken over cooking meals for us and cleaning the kitchen. He helps with laundry, he's made countless trips to Walmart or Babies R Us to grab last minute items that we've needed. He has been INCREDIBLY supportive of my breastfeeding endeavors right down to sitting next to me and helping to position Greysen or even my breast correctly to get a good latch working. He valiantly fields my hormonal meltdowns and always says the right things to make me feel better. There have been moments in mothering where I have totally freaked out and he has been completely cool headed and methodical about fixing the problem (i.e.-the time Greysen started gagging on some mouth goo...I panicked and Jonathan calmly got the bulb syringe and sucked out the goo from his throat...phew!)...
My husband is a new man now that this sweet little baby is a part of our lives. His paradigms have shifted just like mine have. It makes my heart soar when I see Greysen contentedly focusing on his Daddy's face. When Jonathan scoops him up and snuggles him into the crook of this arm or Greysen falls peacefully asleep on his chest, I just can hardly contain the love I feel for my two dudes. Just like in our dating years and in our marriage, Jonathan is my literal other half. He completes the parts of me that are lacking and he holds me up and loves me and Greysen better than anyone could. He is sacrificial in his love too, because honestly he'd have every right to tap out at 11:00 every night and bed down with some ear plugs so he could be good and rested for the next day's work. Instead he dutifully cares for me and for his son without regard to his own needs sometimes. My gratitude for who he is in my life and in Greysen's life probably can't be fully expressed in words. I know new motherhood has created times where I forget to tell him how much I appreciate him or how much I love him. I do try but I get overwhelmed with everything sometimes...those are the times that at 2:00 AM I am lying awake after a feeding kicking myself for not expressing those things to him. The man should get a medal for the amazing father and husband that he is. I know I'm a lucky girl!
So I say all that to say this: husbands and daddies deserve more credit than they get. Jonathan is the kind of man who steps up to help even when he's not asked to. I think most new dads would relish the opportunity to take on tasks that make them feel needed and necessary in caring for an infant. I can say with full confidence that my Jonathan is NEEDED and NECESSARY when it comes to caring for Greysen. I literally don't know what I would do without him...
Thursday, May 21, 2015
Monday, May 11, 2015
The Dirty Truth About the First Two Weeks (And How I Lived to Tell the Tale...)
Ok folks, if you know me you know I'm not one for beating around the bush. I like to be up front and honest and lay it all out there. Is there really any other way? Coming into new motherhood, I was vaguely aware of the struggles that new mothers face. Sleep deprivation, missing showering, healing from the actual delivery, etc. But honestly, nobody could have prepared me for what these first two weeks were going to *really* look like. I think there are two reasons why these struggles are such a blindside to most new mommies. 1) Because veteran moms don't want to scare expecting mother's with talk of the "hard stuff", and 2) Because it's tough for moms to admit when they struggle. Now being on the other side of that fence, I can vouch for both of those reasons. But being who I am, I've decided that I want to lay it out there for all the expecting mommies out there and those who just brought new babies home, as well as give those veteran mommies out there an opportunity to say "Oh my gosh...ME TOO!!". So here ya go:
The First Two Nights
I'd like to say that the struggles we had in the first two nights were due in large part to our tumultuous discharge process, but I know that really the things I experienced were normal. Every mommy experiences them on some level. I won't bore you with the details of the fiasco that was our discharge, but suffice to say that we weren't released from the hospital until nearly 11:00 PM and therefor there was NO way we were going to be able to even *try* to let brand new baby Greysen wind down before it was time to bed down. I thought I was prepared for the no sleeping. I was not. This kid has a pair of lungs on him! I swear he screamed through the entire night the first night and 85% of the second. It was like he was the most pleasant and placid baby when the sun was up, and then as soon as it was officially night time, he turned into exorcist baby. Thank the Lord for my mother who came in and out of our room throughout both nights to help rock and soothe him, change diapers, and wipe MY face. I felt like the worst mother in the world because I didn't know how to make him stop crying. I held him, I patted him, I changed his diaper, I *tried* to feed him, I scratched his back, I sang to him, I shushed him, etc. NOTHING worked. And so I cried...A LOT. Inconsolable tears, feeling like a failure, feeling like I was so far out of my league. I kept saying, "I don't know how to fix it!" while I sobbed. I was hormonal, I was exhausted, and I was in pain. I refused to take the percocet that my doctor prescribed me because it zonks me out. I was terrified that I wouldn't wake up if he started choking or gasping for air if I was doped on percocet. But the 800 mg of Ibuprofen I was taking was barely taking the edge off the pain. More on that shortly. Bottom line is that the first two nights were possibly the longest and most difficult 48 hours of my life. I never lost love for my sweet baby, but man was I frustrated. Where had my sweet little snoozing bundle gone? I was left with this angry little baby siren who could not be soothed between the hours of midnight and 8:00 AM. Oh man, was I at a loss...
My Poor Lady Bits
Boys...avert your eyes if your squeamish. It's about to get real. I had a normal vaginal delivery with Greysen. I only pushed for about 10-12 minutes total! But I did have a second degree tear (which I *think* means that my skin down there tore more than a centimeter, but the muscle stayed intact). I say I *think* because I refuse to pull out a hand mirror and look for myself. If it looks half as horrible as it felt, I never want to see it again! I was not adequately prepared for this aspect. Within hours of delivery once my epidural had worn off (which it was mostly gone by the time I began pushing anyway), I was in pain. My sweet labor nurse helped me to the bathroom from the delivery bed and I swear it felt like I'd been riding a horse for 3 weeks straight. She taught me how to care for myself and how to build my, as I like to refer to it, "lady diaper cocktail". Witch hazel pads, cortisone cream, a Neosporin type ointment with a numbing element in it, and a good generous spritz of Dermoplast (oh how I love that's been my life saver...). All of which has to be built onto the biggest maxi pad I've ever seen in my life. Like seriously, the diapers we are putting on Greysen right now aren't as big as these things. And Kicha had me layering two of them together inside my super sexy mesh hospital panties (another thing I was insanely grateful for). So I got all set up and then got back in bed to snuggle my munchkin until they brought the wheelchair to take me to recovery. I've never been so scared to sit on a flat surface in my life. Oh yeah...nobody really prepared me for the hemorrhoid situation either. I had never had them before so I didn't know what they really were. But I definitely know now! Best I can describe the experience of those glorious little things is that when you sit down it feels like someone whooped your butt with a spiked club. Ouch! Not to mention, every single move I made made me feel like my nether regions were going to explode. Literally. And from that point until about 2-3 days ago, my lady bits felt like ground beef. Like I had literally been beat with a cat of nine tails between my legs. That made getting up and down with Greysen all day and night a superhuman feat. Even just sitting up in bed was excruciating. Jonathan had to help pull me up, prop me up, stand me up, etc. I winced in pain every time I sat down or stood up. Pain meds only just barely took the edge off the pain. I learned the hard way too that I might not regain the sensation of needing to go to the bathroom for a while, but if I didn't go regularly my uterus and my bladder would "be at odds" and simply going to the bathroom would be excruciating. I just hurt. All the time. Which made the things that were difficult with Greysen even more difficult since I was basically immobile. It took superhuman strength to muscle through the pain and care for my new baby...
Let's Be Honest About Breastfeeding
Alright girls, let's get real here. Before giving birth I had read every article I could get my hands on about nursing. I read The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding cover to cover. I was as prepared as I possibly could have been before Greysen got here. Which was honestly...NOT AT ALL! Most literature on breastfeeding paints this picture: You will give birth and within minutes your new baby will be searching for your nipple. He/She will latch on and it will be the most beautiful, natural bonding experience between you and your baby. After that, just continue bringing baby to your breast as often as they want to nurse in order to establish good habits. Now if you're a woman whose experience was like this, man am I jealous! Mine, and I'm certain the majority of others, was a completely different experience. Yes, within a few hours of birth, Greysen was giving me hunger cues. He was sticking his tongue out and trying to suck his hands. So I nervously offered him my breast. Yep...he immediately started searching for the nipple. And guess what?? Two weeks later, HE'S STILL SEARCHING! :) It gets a little better every day, but man THIS has been the postpartum experience I was least prepared for. I have cried more times than I can count because he was screaming and couldn't find my nipple to latch. And when he miraculously did latch, he would spit it right out and scream. He would (and still does) reach up to the top of my breast and drag his little fist down trying desperately to get milk to come out. But even now today, there's not much there. Yes, he's still tiny and doesn't need much to satisfy his tiny little tummy, but my little dude was HUNGRY. I had been completely scared away from offering him a pacifier or formula because of "nipple confusion" and worry that he would "prefer" the formula or the faster flow of a bottle over my breast and would therefor refuse my breast eventually. So the first night, though my mom and mother in law both tried to convince me to give him a half ounce of formula just to satiate his hunger, I refused because I felt like giving in to the formula made me a bad mom, a failure, and a quitter. The second night, after wrestling with him for literally 24 hours trying to get him to nurse long enough to get enough colostrum out of my breast, I "gave in" and fed that poor baby a half ounce of formula. And guess what?? He took it, sighed a sigh of relief, and fell peacefully asleep in my arms. And I cried. Because THEN I felt like a horrible mother because I felt like I'd been starving him. His poor tummy was empty! So I say that to say this: FEED YOUR BABY. Don't let any book or any person tell you that feeding your baby formula while you're trying to get into a rhythm of breastfeeding is "tapping out". Guess what?? Greysen still knows where "the good stuff" comes from. Even though I am still supplementing with formula at each feeding until I'm producing enough milk to satisfy him, he still eats a little from the bottle and then insists on nursing. He "dolphin dives" over my shoulder looking for my breast. And the little trooper works and works at it. I'm so proud of him for that. And it's only been within the last 48 hours that he's even been successful at latching to my breast at each feeding. That is a miracle that can only be contributed to the prayers of some sweet girlfriends who I went to in tears when things just weren't working. It's tough not to take it personally when your baby screams at your breast while you try to stuff your nipple in their searching mouth and they keep spitting it out. Incredibly frustrating...
How I Surived
As difficult as these two weeks have been, I would gladly relive them over and over. Why? Because Greysen is beyond worth it. When he does drift off to sleep at night (which, by the way, he is sleeping for 3 hour stretches at a time at night now!), I can't quit staring at his perfect peaceful face. I'm healed up almost completely, but when I look at my body in the mirror I am reminded of the 37+ weeks that he lived inside me so cozy and warm, and I'm once again awed by what my own body was able to do. I keep plugging away at this nursing thing because when he *does* latch, it's a giant victory. And I feel incredible because I know he's learning how to get what he needs from me, and I feel accomplished because I'm able to offer it to him. It's the understatement of the century to say that mothering is the most difficult yet rewarding thing in the world. It's completely true. You will never feel more frustrated in your life while simultaneously feeling like you would give your right arm for this tiny baby screaming at 3:00 AM. Motherhood is empowering at the same time that you feel weaker and more lost than you've ever felt. It's unique to motherhood. But with each passing day I get stronger, Greysen gets more advanced, and we get closer and closer to "getting it". No doubt there will be challenges through the rest of my career as a mother, but for now, we count the tiny successes, make note of them, and try to replicate them as frequently as possible.
Newborn Baby Must Haves
Finally I wanted to share a few items that, in retrospect, I would not have been able to survive without (click the names for a link to the item):
I had a Boppy pillow, but me and Greysen just couldn't connect with it. The MyBrestFriend pillow was a lifesaver that my mother went out and bought me on Day 2 at home.
Greysen refuses to sleep in anything else. He naps in it and he sleeps in it at night. He also gets his nightly baby massage in it. He LOVES it! And therefor so do Mommy and Daddy...
We went through two other types of bottles before zeroing in on these. Honestly, Greysen's latch to my breast improved tremendously after we introduced these bottles. The flow out of the Breast Shaped Nipples is SUPER slow and mimics my breast. The switching back and forth that he does during feedings is no big deal because of the miracle that is these bottles and nipples
Every baby is different, but MY baby refuses all pacifiers but these bad boys. We stocked up on them the other day because they are the only ones he will take and he is able to keep them in his mouth easily even without a lot of control over his hands...
Greysen does not deal well with dirty or wet diapers. As soon as he's wet or poopy he wants it off his bottom. The wipes warmer makes it less of a shock to his tushy when we change him, not to mention it makes getting stuck on poop off his bottom MUCH easier!
Not for the reason you would think! I don't like them for breast pads because they leave fuzz on my nipple. But they work GREAT to shield us from sprinkles while diaper changing! I use one every time I change Greysen's diaper. If he has a peepee accident while I'm changing him, those breast pads soak it all up!
So there ya have it. The dirty truth. Don't get me wrong, as difficult as it's been, I am deliriously happy and content. I LOVE my Greysen, I've been in awe of the Daddy transformation that has happened in my husband, and I'm grateful every moment for the miracle that is my son. If you're the type that is a champion for breastfeeding and your fingers are hovering over the keyboard itching to give me advice or scold me for the formula or the pacifier, let me save you the time. Greysen is happy and healthy and we are getting it little by little and we ARE going to master the art of breastfeeding in our own way and in our own time. We are finding our own rhythm and that's what it's all about! If you're a new mommy or an expecting mommy, feel free to message me and ask me questions or look for solidarity. You know I'll be honest with you! ;)
Sunday, May 10, 2015
On This Mother's Day...
Today I celebrate Mother's Day as an actual Mommy! As I think back on the 5 Mother's Days that I spent longing for that title, I am humbled and awed by the fact that today, in 2015, I am waking up to MY own wiggly baby. He had a bit of a fussy night last night that was only remedied by Mommy scooping him up, putting him on my chest, and singing The Greatest Commands as he drifted off to dreamland. I could have been annoyed at his refusal to settle and sleep in his bassinet, but instead I tried to soak up those hours of sleep with his tiny chest rising and falling on top of my own...
There will come a day when he won't need me like he does now. In an impossibly short amount of time he will be too big for me to scoop up and lay on my chest while we both sleep. One day soon, instead of crying, he will simply say "Mommy I'm hungry," or "Mommy I want _____." Today he tells me that something's not right in his world by crying. Which many times hurts my heart, but I tirelessly trial and error his needs until he soothes and drifts off to sleep. I work on less hours of sleep than I can count on one hand, yet I am still ready and more than willing to tackle another day despite my weariness...
Each time I look at his face, I fall in love a little more. He is the perfect mash up of me and Jonathan. His sparkling eyes are awe inspiring and I can't get enough of looking into them. He is beginning to visually recognize me and most times when our eyes lock, he registers this recognition with the beginnings of an infant smile. When he nurses, which we are still working to get the hang of, he snuggles in like it's the most heavenly thing he's ever experienced. He'll wrap his arms around my breast like he never wants to let it go. When he's had a good nursing session, he will pull away and contentedly look around the room and at me...completely at peace. There are few things in this world that make me feel more accomplished and complete than that...
So Greysen, here in 2015, I'm celebrating motherhood for the first time because YOU made me a mommy. You came racing into this world just a short 12 days ago and you changed your mommy and your daddy's lives forever. We already have trouble remembering what our lives were like before taking care of you was our number one priority. Being a mother is the most difficult job I've ever done, but it's also the most beautiful task I've ever been entrusted with. This morning, waking up to your tiny weight resting peacefully on my chest, I was reminded of what my heart *used* to feel like when I would wake up on Mother's Day. Empty and longing...keeping tears at bay on this day was so hard. But today, my heart is full and overflowing...keeping tears at bay is still hard though...because when I look at you my heart can't contain the love I have for you. You are perfect in every way possible, even when you're being a toot (which you kind of are today...). This Mother's Day I celebrate bringing you into this world and getting the awesome responsibility of being *your* Mommy. It's a job I definitely do not take lightly. With each passing day I love you more, I'm inspired by you more, and I'm in awe of what a beautiful creation of the Father you are. So yes, Happy Mother's Day to me, but also Happy Mother's Day to you my son. You made me a Mommy...
There will come a day when he won't need me like he does now. In an impossibly short amount of time he will be too big for me to scoop up and lay on my chest while we both sleep. One day soon, instead of crying, he will simply say "Mommy I'm hungry," or "Mommy I want _____." Today he tells me that something's not right in his world by crying. Which many times hurts my heart, but I tirelessly trial and error his needs until he soothes and drifts off to sleep. I work on less hours of sleep than I can count on one hand, yet I am still ready and more than willing to tackle another day despite my weariness...
Each time I look at his face, I fall in love a little more. He is the perfect mash up of me and Jonathan. His sparkling eyes are awe inspiring and I can't get enough of looking into them. He is beginning to visually recognize me and most times when our eyes lock, he registers this recognition with the beginnings of an infant smile. When he nurses, which we are still working to get the hang of, he snuggles in like it's the most heavenly thing he's ever experienced. He'll wrap his arms around my breast like he never wants to let it go. When he's had a good nursing session, he will pull away and contentedly look around the room and at me...completely at peace. There are few things in this world that make me feel more accomplished and complete than that...
So Greysen, here in 2015, I'm celebrating motherhood for the first time because YOU made me a mommy. You came racing into this world just a short 12 days ago and you changed your mommy and your daddy's lives forever. We already have trouble remembering what our lives were like before taking care of you was our number one priority. Being a mother is the most difficult job I've ever done, but it's also the most beautiful task I've ever been entrusted with. This morning, waking up to your tiny weight resting peacefully on my chest, I was reminded of what my heart *used* to feel like when I would wake up on Mother's Day. Empty and longing...keeping tears at bay on this day was so hard. But today, my heart is full and overflowing...keeping tears at bay is still hard though...because when I look at you my heart can't contain the love I have for you. You are perfect in every way possible, even when you're being a toot (which you kind of are today...). This Mother's Day I celebrate bringing you into this world and getting the awesome responsibility of being *your* Mommy. It's a job I definitely do not take lightly. With each passing day I love you more, I'm inspired by you more, and I'm in awe of what a beautiful creation of the Father you are. So yes, Happy Mother's Day to me, but also Happy Mother's Day to you my son. You made me a Mommy...
Wednesday, May 6, 2015
Greysen Neil Womack's Birth Story
Our sweet baby boy is already a week old. I can't believe it! If he had decided to stay in until his due date or later I would still be pregnant right now. It's true what they say that babies come when they're ready to come. Greysen was more than ready to come out and meet his family! So I decided I wanted to take a minute to lay out the goings on of his arrival late in the evening on April 28th, 2015:
I had been having mild contractions on and off for about 2 weeks. My first prenatal cervical checks revealed that I had already dilated to 2 cm and was about 50% effaced, and there was really no change between weeks 36 and 37 other than the fact that Greysen had turned anterior and was now in position to really start descending...
At around 8:30 AM on that Tuesday morning I started having regular contractions. They were about 10-12 minutes apart, but were definitely getting a little stronger over time. I told Jonathan that he should probably stay home from his rotation, so he texted his preceptor and told him that I was possibly in labor. Dr. Casadesus was very understanding and told him to stay home with me and keep him updated on my status...
I laid in bed and "labored" for a few hours until Jonathan said, "Babe, I think we need to go to the hospital. Even if they send us home, we should at least get you checked out." Honestly, I wasn't really sure what I was supposed to be feeling when "real labor" started, so I had to agree...
Of course, in true Rachel Womack form, I decided I needed to shower and "get ready" before we headed to the hospital. Of course by this point I was pretty tired from breathing through contractions and trying to find a comfortable position for like 3 hours that I wasn't sure I could stand up in the shower for the amount of time it would take to get clean. So Jonathan, in true champion husband form, got in the shower with me and washed my hair while I sat in the floor of the tub and rocked myself through contractions. I felt much better when it was time to get out of the tub, but as soon as I stood up I vomited in the tub. Jonathan whisked me out of the tub and I vomited several more times in the toilet. That was our cue. Yep...something's happening so we need to gather up our hospital bags and head to Memorial West...
By the time we got up to prenatal triage, they put me in a room, hooked me up to monitors, and checked me. I was at 3 cm and about 75% effaced and the contractions were coming every 5-6 minutes. The nurse came back about an hour later and rechecked me. No change. She called my doctor who said she would like me to do some walking and then get checked again. She wanted me at a 4 in order to keep me. So we walked and walked and did squats and walked the stairs. When we came back and the nurse checked me, she said yet again that there was no change. She said the effacement was *possibly* a little further progressed, but for the most part I was the same. We were fully expecting to be sent home (which I was NOT happy about...)...
Then about 30 minutes later, in strolls Dr. Velarde (my Ob/Gyn). She checked me herself and said in a whisper, "If it's all the same to you, I think you're too far along for me to feel good about sending you home, and I'd like to just strip your membranes and keep you." To which I of course said "Yes PLEASE!". I had decided in my head that getting my membranes stripped was going to hurt, but after she left, I honestly wasn't sure if she'd stripped them or not. But I figured she must have, because about 5 minutes later my contractions started coming every 2-3 minutes and were definitely increasing in intensity. They came in and wheeled me to the delivery room. On the way there the nurse said, "Ok, we're going to get you hooked up in here and then Dr. Velarde will be in to break your water and we will start a pitocin drip." Which is when I started minorly freaking out!
Once I got hooked up to everything I decided that I needed a minute to woosah and wrap my brain around the fact that I was going to be meeting my baby boy sometime tonight. It was a bit of a whirlwind! Not to mention, my mother was literally in transit at this point. She was on her way to the airport in Dallas to try and make it to Ft. Lauderdale. She was due to get to the hospital around 11:30. So when Dr. Velarde came in I asked her to wait an hour to break my water and that I wanted to hold off on the pitocin drip until I knew more how my labor was going to progress naturally...
An hour later, in she came to break my water. WEIRDEST. FEELING. EVER. Again I had it in my mind that getting my water broken was going to hurt like heck. It totally didn't. What hurt was the contractions measuring in the 80-100 range coming every 30 seconds to 1 minute. At first I was able to breath through them. But when they started coming so quickly that the let down of one coincided with the build up of another (and the fact that I'd been having contractions since 8:30 that morning and I was exhausted), I told Jonathan that when they came in to check me if I wasn't at at least a 6 I wanted the epidural (the last check had me at a 4 1/2). When Kicha came in (my labor nurse who was AMAZING...I don't know what I would have done without her) and checked me, I was at a 5. When she said that I said "Tap out!" And Jonathan translated to her, "She is ready for an epidural."
Kicha literally went right outside and grabbed the anesthesiologist and brought her in the room because they were about 15 minutes away from a shift change. The anesthesiologist was not a very pleasant person. That experience was less than fun. Especially with contractions coming at the rate and intensity that they were while I had to stay perfectly still. But almost immediately my legs started tingling and I began feeling lots better. I also started puking (which I did from that point until right before I left for recovery) and my belly started itching like a million ants were biting me. Zofran and a low dose of Pitocin in my IV and then I was out like a light. Napped for a good hour while my body labored away and Greysen kept moving right on down. Jonathan and Bernice both were amused at watching the machine track my contractions while I slept peacefully...
I woke up to Kicha coming in to check me again. She said, "Ok mama, you're at a good 6 1/2 and baby's head is right there! Daddy, do you want to feel?" So Jonathan donned some surgical gloves and the look on his face when he felt the top of Greysen's head was priceless. I wish I had had a camera! He said "It's like a real little baby head down there!". Kicha then went back in to see if she could get my cervix to get a little more out of the way. In a matter of seconds I was at a 7 1/2 and feeling LOTS of pressure. She turned me on my side to see if we could get Greysen to move on down. As soon as I turned over, I felt the urge to push. It was SUPER intense! So they called in Dr. Velarde to get prepped...
I turned on my back when she got there about 10 minutes later and I was at a solid 10. While they prepped the room (and Jonathan and Bernice prepped cameras and what not) I felt like I was literally having to hold him in. That urge to push is REAL! By that point my epidural was only really taking the edge off. But I'm grateful for that because I think it made the last hour of delivery go much smoother and quicker. They got my legs up in the saddles and it was time to push. HARDEST. THING. I'VE. EVER. DONE. Thank the Lord it only took me about 10 pushes and he was here...
I remember Dr. Velarde and Kicha saying "Rachel look down! Your baby is here! Here he is!!" And when I looked down out came this little tiny baby tushy and they tossed him up on my belly. I remember wailing, "That's my baby! That's my baby!!" Kicha said, "Baby Greysen we've been waiting for you!" I patted his little bottom and held his little hands and when they turned him over to face me and I started talking to him, he stopped crying and started trying to open his eyes. He knew who his mama was! And when Jonathan started talking to him he tracked the sound of his voice. He was the most beautiful thing I've ever seen (though I kept saying, "Greysen you are so beautiful! But that umbilical cord is kinda yucky..."). I didn't want to give him up, but they had to weigh him and do all his triage. I reluctantly handed him over to the nurse and Daddy followed him over to the warming table. Just about that time, my mom walked into the room. Almost perfect timing. Dr. Velarde continued working on me while I craned my neck to see his weight and length and his APGAR score (9.9!)...
I had been having mild contractions on and off for about 2 weeks. My first prenatal cervical checks revealed that I had already dilated to 2 cm and was about 50% effaced, and there was really no change between weeks 36 and 37 other than the fact that Greysen had turned anterior and was now in position to really start descending...
At around 8:30 AM on that Tuesday morning I started having regular contractions. They were about 10-12 minutes apart, but were definitely getting a little stronger over time. I told Jonathan that he should probably stay home from his rotation, so he texted his preceptor and told him that I was possibly in labor. Dr. Casadesus was very understanding and told him to stay home with me and keep him updated on my status...
I laid in bed and "labored" for a few hours until Jonathan said, "Babe, I think we need to go to the hospital. Even if they send us home, we should at least get you checked out." Honestly, I wasn't really sure what I was supposed to be feeling when "real labor" started, so I had to agree...
Of course, in true Rachel Womack form, I decided I needed to shower and "get ready" before we headed to the hospital. Of course by this point I was pretty tired from breathing through contractions and trying to find a comfortable position for like 3 hours that I wasn't sure I could stand up in the shower for the amount of time it would take to get clean. So Jonathan, in true champion husband form, got in the shower with me and washed my hair while I sat in the floor of the tub and rocked myself through contractions. I felt much better when it was time to get out of the tub, but as soon as I stood up I vomited in the tub. Jonathan whisked me out of the tub and I vomited several more times in the toilet. That was our cue. Yep...something's happening so we need to gather up our hospital bags and head to Memorial West...
By the time we got up to prenatal triage, they put me in a room, hooked me up to monitors, and checked me. I was at 3 cm and about 75% effaced and the contractions were coming every 5-6 minutes. The nurse came back about an hour later and rechecked me. No change. She called my doctor who said she would like me to do some walking and then get checked again. She wanted me at a 4 in order to keep me. So we walked and walked and did squats and walked the stairs. When we came back and the nurse checked me, she said yet again that there was no change. She said the effacement was *possibly* a little further progressed, but for the most part I was the same. We were fully expecting to be sent home (which I was NOT happy about...)...
Then about 30 minutes later, in strolls Dr. Velarde (my Ob/Gyn). She checked me herself and said in a whisper, "If it's all the same to you, I think you're too far along for me to feel good about sending you home, and I'd like to just strip your membranes and keep you." To which I of course said "Yes PLEASE!". I had decided in my head that getting my membranes stripped was going to hurt, but after she left, I honestly wasn't sure if she'd stripped them or not. But I figured she must have, because about 5 minutes later my contractions started coming every 2-3 minutes and were definitely increasing in intensity. They came in and wheeled me to the delivery room. On the way there the nurse said, "Ok, we're going to get you hooked up in here and then Dr. Velarde will be in to break your water and we will start a pitocin drip." Which is when I started minorly freaking out!
Once I got hooked up to everything I decided that I needed a minute to woosah and wrap my brain around the fact that I was going to be meeting my baby boy sometime tonight. It was a bit of a whirlwind! Not to mention, my mother was literally in transit at this point. She was on her way to the airport in Dallas to try and make it to Ft. Lauderdale. She was due to get to the hospital around 11:30. So when Dr. Velarde came in I asked her to wait an hour to break my water and that I wanted to hold off on the pitocin drip until I knew more how my labor was going to progress naturally...
An hour later, in she came to break my water. WEIRDEST. FEELING. EVER. Again I had it in my mind that getting my water broken was going to hurt like heck. It totally didn't. What hurt was the contractions measuring in the 80-100 range coming every 30 seconds to 1 minute. At first I was able to breath through them. But when they started coming so quickly that the let down of one coincided with the build up of another (and the fact that I'd been having contractions since 8:30 that morning and I was exhausted), I told Jonathan that when they came in to check me if I wasn't at at least a 6 I wanted the epidural (the last check had me at a 4 1/2). When Kicha came in (my labor nurse who was AMAZING...I don't know what I would have done without her) and checked me, I was at a 5. When she said that I said "Tap out!" And Jonathan translated to her, "She is ready for an epidural."
Kicha literally went right outside and grabbed the anesthesiologist and brought her in the room because they were about 15 minutes away from a shift change. The anesthesiologist was not a very pleasant person. That experience was less than fun. Especially with contractions coming at the rate and intensity that they were while I had to stay perfectly still. But almost immediately my legs started tingling and I began feeling lots better. I also started puking (which I did from that point until right before I left for recovery) and my belly started itching like a million ants were biting me. Zofran and a low dose of Pitocin in my IV and then I was out like a light. Napped for a good hour while my body labored away and Greysen kept moving right on down. Jonathan and Bernice both were amused at watching the machine track my contractions while I slept peacefully...
I woke up to Kicha coming in to check me again. She said, "Ok mama, you're at a good 6 1/2 and baby's head is right there! Daddy, do you want to feel?" So Jonathan donned some surgical gloves and the look on his face when he felt the top of Greysen's head was priceless. I wish I had had a camera! He said "It's like a real little baby head down there!". Kicha then went back in to see if she could get my cervix to get a little more out of the way. In a matter of seconds I was at a 7 1/2 and feeling LOTS of pressure. She turned me on my side to see if we could get Greysen to move on down. As soon as I turned over, I felt the urge to push. It was SUPER intense! So they called in Dr. Velarde to get prepped...
I turned on my back when she got there about 10 minutes later and I was at a solid 10. While they prepped the room (and Jonathan and Bernice prepped cameras and what not) I felt like I was literally having to hold him in. That urge to push is REAL! By that point my epidural was only really taking the edge off. But I'm grateful for that because I think it made the last hour of delivery go much smoother and quicker. They got my legs up in the saddles and it was time to push. HARDEST. THING. I'VE. EVER. DONE. Thank the Lord it only took me about 10 pushes and he was here...
I remember Dr. Velarde and Kicha saying "Rachel look down! Your baby is here! Here he is!!" And when I looked down out came this little tiny baby tushy and they tossed him up on my belly. I remember wailing, "That's my baby! That's my baby!!" Kicha said, "Baby Greysen we've been waiting for you!" I patted his little bottom and held his little hands and when they turned him over to face me and I started talking to him, he stopped crying and started trying to open his eyes. He knew who his mama was! And when Jonathan started talking to him he tracked the sound of his voice. He was the most beautiful thing I've ever seen (though I kept saying, "Greysen you are so beautiful! But that umbilical cord is kinda yucky..."). I didn't want to give him up, but they had to weigh him and do all his triage. I reluctantly handed him over to the nurse and Daddy followed him over to the warming table. Just about that time, my mom walked into the room. Almost perfect timing. Dr. Velarde continued working on me while I craned my neck to see his weight and length and his APGAR score (9.9!)...
Greysen Neil Womack
April 28th, 2015
11:09 PM
8 lbs. 3 oz.
20 1/2"
It was an experience well beyond my expectations. It was scary, but I've also never felt more fearless in my life. I've never felt so much pain, but I've also never felt so empowered. He was and is the most beautiful thing I've ever seen in my life. I can't quit looking at him! My life changed forever a week ago. And Jonathan couldn't have put it more eloquently than he did a few nights ago when he said, "I feel like a more complete human being..." It's so true. We were made for this experience and Greysen was made just for us. I will never be the same again...
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